, pub-6292708179402453, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Background voice recorder

Background voice recorder

Background voice recorder is a speech recording tool that allows you to record your voice with only a single swipe. Continuous recording while the software is in the background, scheduled recording, and support for several languages are all useful features.

[Main Characteristics]

+ To start or stop recording, use the volume buttons. (To begin, press the volume up button three times in two seconds.) To stop, press the volume low button three times in two seconds.)

+ Press the power button to start or stop recording. (To start or stop recording, press the power button three times in two seconds.)

+ To start or stop video recording, shake the phone.

+ Save the captured files to a Google Drive folder.

+ After you've recorded your voice, trim it.

+ Set up a recording schedule to record your voice at particular times.

+ You can record for as long as you like. + Supports "auto stop recording" when device storage is low + Easily specify the time period you want to record + App that is safe and well-coded + GUI with a beautiful material design Plus Multiple languages are supported.
+ Recording files should be shared.
+ Remove the recording files from your computer. + This site is password protected. Ads should be removed (you have to pay for this)

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